Adventures in Theology

Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body
Ecclesiastes 12:12

Monday, March 13, 2006


I think this is a good day to start this blog.

Today I was formally approved for training for the ordained ministry by the Bishop of Chester, and will (probably and God willing) now be spending three years at Wycliffe Hall Oxford.

My aim with this blog is to detail some of the ups and downs of the training process and getting onto it.

I suppose it'll take a while to sink in. People started talking today about "when you are ordained", which is really scary in a way but also a huge priviledge. For now, I'm setting my sights on finishing my job and getting to Oxford. Lots of hassle involved - tidying my house, selling my house, finishing off learning to drive, getting a car, sorting out all the moving stuff. Please pray.